Patients suffering from chronic anxiety disorders claim that CBD has helped them in alleviating the symptoms of their illness.
CBD, as a treatment modality in chronic anxiety disorder, has been gaining ground for recognition and practice. Especially when conventional methods have been tried with minimal improvement, CBD has become the option of choice. In combination with other traditional therapeutic methods, CBD singularly shows excellent promise in achieving recovery and regaining a better quality of life.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of 113 cannabinoids found in the cannabis or hemp plant, while tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is another. They are both extracted from the same plant but have very different properties. THC, being psychoactive, gets you intoxicated and high as opposed to CBD which is not psychoactive, and thus is used solely for its therapeutic characteristics.
Is taking CBD risky?
CBD is deemed to be of shallow risk. It does not result in abuse or dependence and will very slightly affect the liver only when consumed at exceedingly high doses. No serious health concerns have ever been reported with its consumption.
Does CBD have any side effects?
As with any medication, side effects may occur depending on the individual taking them. But the observed side effects after consumption may be considered very mild and temporary, which are as follows.
- dry mouth
- dizziness
- nausea
- drowsiness
- changes in appetite
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is distinguished by feelings of agitation, fret, and panic with accompanying physical manifestations like pallor, hypertension, or palpitations.
What are anxiety attacks?
Extreme anxiety may lead to a panic or anxiety attack. It is manifested by hyperventilation, palpitations, and disorientation lasting for about 5 minutes. This is a severe form of anxiety disorder.
What is the treatment for anxiety?
There are various plans of treatment being employed toward anxiety, some of which are:
Medication – Anti-anxiety drugs can aid afflicted individuals to get on with daily life, but must be integrated with other treatment modalities to be effective.
Psychotherapy – finding a professional who can work best with you is the key to successful therapy.
Breathing techniques – the correct breathing techniques can calm an anxiety attack down but may only be considered as a symptomatic treatment.
CBD – CBD is organic and does not cause side effects, unlike traditional medications.
Using CBD oil for anxiety enhances serotonin uptake by brain receptors to boost neurotransmission and increase serotonin concentration.