The Effects of Testosterone Booster on Strength and Power Performance

3 min read

In a recent study, researchers examined the effects of testosterone boosters on strength and power performance in men. For this study, they recruited 67 males to participate in the testing. The participants were split into two groups – a placebo group and a testosterone booster group – and both groups were given supplements for twelve weeks from November to December.


The researchers found that testosterone levels increased significantly for those who took the supplement, but did not for those who did not. They also found that resting levels of strength increased by 167% after supplementation and during maximum power output tests, an average of 34% improved power output. These testogen review results suggest that testosterone booster supplementation may have a beneficial effect on athletic performance.


The researchers concluded that their study demonstrated the need for more research regarding the effects of testosterone booster supplements on strength and power performance in healthy men. The likelihood of taking supplements for the purpose of increasing athletic performance is high, but it is still being determined whether they have any effect. The fact that there was no increase in strength may be due to a decrease in testosterone production. It could also be due to problems with the supplement, such as a lack of accuracy in measuring testosterone levels during supplementation. The researchers also stated that there might be other effects from increased testosterone, such as mood changes or blunting of body function in men.


testogen review

The main weakness of this study is the small sample size. To have more accurate results, more participants should have been recruited. The researchers also noted that there was a lack of ethnic diversity in the sample population, which could result in problems in generalizing their findings.


Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) and testosterone are among adolescents and young adults’ most frequently used drugs. AAS users are two to three times more likely than nonusers to use other illicit drugs and alcohol, but only 4%-6% of AAS users go on to abuse other substances. Those who go on to abuse other substances are more likely to be under 18 years old and male.


AAS use is associated with a number of negative effects on anabolic steroid users, including an increased risk of cardiovascular problems, reproductive system disorders, and psychological problems. However, when AAS is taken by adolescents or young adults, there are also benefits that should be considered. Endurance athletes may experience some increases in strength and power when they start taking AAS while young.


The reason for this has yet to be fully understood, but it may be due to the effects of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) upon muscle proteins.

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